wobble felt.

have you ever felt a wobble? like when your local rising degree aspects the sun.....jupiter.....uranus? or maybe a late nite saturn wobble.........because pulses are pulsing.....hertz...hearts...waves...wolves

feeling our way thru each day. every sunrise the rising degree meets the sun and then journeys thru all 360º communicating along the way. aspects sound and feel different.....

rising sign aspects have wobble you may feel. midheaven aspects wobble too. sign changes have wobble. major and minor aspects all wobble.

planet wobble may vary. jupiter wobble feels big. uranus wobble feels magnetic. wut duyu feel?

wobble helps you wonder what planets are saying. wobble may feel like an earthquake tremor or heartthrob. wonder if wobble vibes emit within me or without me. as the rising degree wanders we hope you wonder.....we welcome wobble tweets
